Thursday, June 24, 2010

Maxis N Digi


I just wanna say my phone gonna change channel after 24 hour~ Change a channel is very easy. You just want go to the DIGI CENTER , and tell the counter "I want change my MAXIS to DIGI with same number". That all. HE/SHE will ask for your IC. After that, you will get a SIM CARD. You no need to pay anything. ^^

I make this decision ,because my friend say....have alot "leng lui" work at the Digi Center!!!~ That is the reason! haha...I'm just kidding~

Maxis call to Digi quite expensive ...most of my friend is Maxis. Haha...I wont tell them, still is 017 but is DIGI. When they realize , is too late~ I got a bad heart~ =P

Must view my blog my friend. If not, you wont know what happen~
Believe or not? When the registration success , I get 200 free message!! My friend said can free online , but can't view picture online only. Not bad what? ^^

"ALWAYS FOLLOW YOU~" can't forget this song!

Look at the fatty and the muscle guy.. so cute~ I mean the fat one~XD I will be the muscle one! But i think a dream right?